
Sit Down, You're Rockin' The Boat

Saturday was Shae's last class for this session of swimming lessons. The big theme of this class was "boating safety" -- because hey, why not? -- which is evidently WSI code for "put on your life jacket and sit the hell down, jeez kids!"

Lifeboat to Disney World

They took all the kids in an inflatable boat for a lap around the whole pool, which the teachers called their "cruise around the world." Ever wonder where kids would go if they got to pick their own ports of call? Walt Disney World and Canada, apparently. I wish I hadn't been laughing so hard that I missed getting a picture of her "WTF?" face when they left "Canada" and her teacher said, "Bye Justin Bieber!" and Shae was all, "The hell?" I guess she doesn't know what the heck a "Justin Bieber" is either. (We're Little Monsters in our house. Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah, roma-roma-mah, Gaga-oh-la-la!)

Pretending to Be a Figurehead

Shae did great, even in spite of spending what she thought was her last swimming class not actually swimming, and in spite of the fact that the teacher wouldn't let her dog paddle her way back to Disney World. Apparently someone is impervious to the begging.

Picture Yourself in a Boat on a River

It actually looked like it was a lot of fun -- Shae is now asking for a life jacket for her birthday, which I find positively hilarious, because she's spent the last six weeks telling us how when my grandparents' pool opens up this summer, she's not going to need her bubble any more.

Shae with Miss Cat and Miss Amie

When we told her that she's going to take swimming lessons again, starting next week, she just about lost her mind. She is bound and determined to be the Queen of Pike B by the time all is said and done. In retrospect, I probably should have given her teachers a tip in the form of Valium and ear plugs.

1 comment:

  1. shes great and you're getting a rest while she is exercising love mom
