It's been a while -- six months, in fact -- since we've taken bathtime pictures, and I figure it's time to get some more in quick, before Shae is too old for this sort of nonsense to be considered cute and it starts getting pervy.
We still have a metric shit-ton of tub toys, and it appears that since our last exclusive news report, we have added some more: measuring spoons and a watering can, to be specific. There is barely enough room for our kid in there.
See? But we manage as best we can.
Bath night is one of my favorite nights of the week, because it's full of silliness.
Her hair is a little too long and a little too heavy to make a proper mohawk, but it does make excellent horns, n'est-ce pas? There's a lot of silliness before we get in the tub, too, when we make "tribal headdresses" out of our clothes.
Yes, bath night is one of my favorite nights of the week.
I think Shae kind of likes it, too.
these are some awesome pictures. bravo!