
Let Them Eat Cupcakes

So we survived Shae's birthday party. Not even barely survived, but actually survived completely unscathed. So that's awesome. Of course, I don't have the pictures yet, because I haven't offloaded them from my camera, but if it makes you feel any better, that's partly because we spent like 3 hours yesterday looking for gifts that were in our house less than 24 hours before they went missing. Constant excitement!

Cupcake Pr0n

Before my sister and nephew went back to Chicago, we had a small impromptu party, because what is cuter than small children singing "Happy Birthday" to each other at the top of their lungs? Nothing, that's what.

Joey Cupcake
Shae Cupcake

Okay, nothing except watching them eat cupcakes. That's pretty darned cute.

Joey Icing
Shae Icing

Okay, nothing except watching them eat cupcakes with icing all over their faces. That's pretty darned cute, too.

Tomorrow I will have pictures of the "real" party, pinky swear. Including THE LIGHT-UP HELLO KITTY CAKE TOPPER OMG SQUEE. No, I am not kidding. It was AMAZING.

1 comment:

  1. what is missing ...also one day call me at night and i'll tell you pics i want to get made love mom
