
Happy Birthday Sweet Sixty

Over the weekend, we went to a surprise birthday party for my Uncle Wiggy -- the husband of one of my father's sisters, and also the person who plays the Easter Bunny at the annual Haldaman Easter Keg Hunt. Uncle Wiggy turned 60, which I just can't even believe, because he doesn't look that old.

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I mean, really, if Uncle Wiggy is that old, then that means that my parents will be that old pretty soon, and I am just not prepared to deal with that. Not that there's anything wrong with turning 60, of course. Hell, I used to think 40 was ancient and elderly, and now that I'm closing in on 40 myself, it would be an understatement to say that my position on that particular number has changed.

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What's really astonishing, though, is how much my Uncle Wiggy pretty much still looks exactly like this picture, except for that now he has a mustache. I am willing to bet large American dollars that he would still fit into that shirt, if he knew where it was.

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Know how many people it takes to put 60 candles on a birthday cake? All of them, pretty much.

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But it's worth it, because more candles = more pretty lights. Birthday candles are apparently like crack for small children; with the flash off you can't see them all on the periphery, but there were about 10 little kids standing around waiting to help blow out the candles.

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And I will say this: the bigger the number of the birthday, the better the cake. This was some damn fine cake! Hopefully Uncle Wiggy enjoyed his surprise birthday party as much as we did.

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