
Who-ly McWhat?

Dear Rooney Family and other Pittsburgh Steelers investors:

There is not really a delicate way to phrase this, so in my typically brazen Philadelphia style, let me just come right out and say it -- Steely McBeam is kind of a dork (even if he does look an awful lot like the great and powerful Coach Cowher) and I think you need a new mascot this year.

Your mascot for the 2009-10 season should be someone who is so steeped in the culture of football that they want to see touchdowns at baseball games.


Someone who is all about the fundamentals and who will keep on practicing, even if the only ball of any sort in the house is a Sesame Street kickball.

Three-Point Stance

Someone who is so polite and gracious that after they kick your tuchus on the field they will make you a cup of sweet delicious invisible tea.

Hines Ward's Tea Party

Come on, Steelers ownership team, don't you want to replace that dorfwad of a mascot with the cutest little girl in the world?

Cutest Mascot Ever

But if you can't be convinced, we'll at least settle for lifetime free tickets. Or, if you insist on driving a hard bargain, we'll take box seats just once. You know you want to.

Thanks in advance!
xoxo Your Very Favorite Fans,
rockle and Shae.

PS -- It wouldn't be too hard to convince us to change her name to Jeromina Bettisa, either.


  1. you are not changing her name for steelers tickets i have entered coke points contest for seats if i win you go !!!!! i'll keep shae love mom

  2. cutie patootie!!
    but where are the wedding pics?!?!

  3. need ... wedding ... pictures ... please!
    (although I do love that last picture of shae-zi. she makes me so happy.)

  4. in training offsite thursday and friday, will post wedding pics tonight.

  5. LOVE IT! Come on out anytime! And contrary to what your Anonymous Mother says, bring Shae. I wish somehow an official Steeler person would see this! BTW, one of my pharmacy customers was the winner of the name the mascot contest last year. She came up with Steely McBeam. People here really don't like it.
