
Don't Panic

I realize that my last post was kind of a downer -- sorry. We're all still alive, just so you know. I didn't go postal and I didn't get all Sylvia Plath. Not that I have not had my moments, but maybe the best thing about being in and out of therapy for 20 years is that you learn to appreciate the value of the old adage: "This, too, shall pass."

Here. Have a picture of my kid. It's not good, but it's cute, and considering the eleven kinds of hell we went through to get this far -- WHY WON'T YOU JUST SIT STILL FOR 10 SECONDS SO WE CAN TAKE YOUR DAMN PICTURE FOR THE CALENDAR, OH MY GOD YOU LITTLE BOOGER! -- well, at least she's smiling.


  1. I love this pic...there she is being Shae...and nope...you can't take a good pic of her...she needs ritalin!

  2. you don't really think so, do you? i kind of don't want to drug her. here's hoping it's only toddlerhood! just in case, though -- no caffeine. EVAH.

  3. it's such a cute pic! I love that you can see the lights through her hair ;-) you just need a shorter shutter time (faster speed), or better lighting in the room, so the shutter doesn't have to be open so long to get enough light. i think the nikon could fix this ;-)

  4. i can't find a thing wrong maybe its cause shes happy and remember what i said its one day the love and the people make it not shopping or baking its a good hug and a kiss...its the words i love you its what you are giving !!! love you mom
